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Guojie Gui (Chairman at Shanghai CRED Real Estate Stock Co. Ltd)

Guojie Gui

Chairman at Shanghai CRED Real Estate Stock Co. Ltd

Gui Guojie, a registered real estate appraiser and senior economist, has been the chairman and general manager of Shanghai CRED Real Estate Stock Co. Ltd. since 1999. He has unique experience and insight in large-scale integrated community development.

Mr.Gui also holds various social titles: Academician of the World Academy of Productivity; Vice President of the China Productivity Society; Honorary Vice President of the China Real Estate Association; Vice President of the Shanghai Real Estate Industry Association; Vice President of the Shanghai New Business Association; Honorary President of the Shanghai Foreign Economic Association; Vice President of the Shanghai Sports Federation; and President of the Shanghai Rugby Football Association.

Mr. Gui has made great contributions to the development of China's real estate industry, participated plenty of local and international projects, as well as the development strategy of Shanghai Pudong New Area Free Trade Zone.

Since 2013, Mr. Gui led Shanghai CRED starting the exploration of international developments, making investments and M&A in Australia and New Zealand successively. One example was the joint bid with Australian mining giant Hancock Prospecting Group to acquire Australia's largest agricultural and livestock enterprise S.Kidman & Co. Pty. Ltd., which attracted the attention of the whole industry in both China and Australia, and received supports from bilateral governments.

In addition to promoting economic and trade relations, Mr. Gui also spent great efforts to promote bilateral cultural exchanges and has invested a lot to bring the the Australian football to China market. At the same time, Mr. Gui has cooperated with the University of Western Australia to conduct the research on the commercialization of castor seeds in Australia.

桂国杰董事长对中国房地产行业的发展做出过非常大的贡献,曾主持评估过百余宗项目,担任中国房地产估价师考试培训教材《房地产基本制度与政策》、《房地产开发经营与管理》、《房地产估价理论与方法》、《房地产估价案例与分析》的编委;由人力资源部和建设部特聘担任95、96、97年中国房地产估价师考试考卷命题组成员。1999年,担任“中国房地产估价规范研究”课题专家评审组副组长;2001年,被建设部聘为“加入WTO对中国房地产行业的影响”课题组成员;2007年,由其担任副主编的38万字研究著作《城市对话—国际性大都市建设与住房探究》由企业管理出版社发行。2009年7月,被聘为住房和城乡建设部房地产市场调控决策咨询专家。 2010年,成为 “浦东新区建设自由贸易区”课题组成员。