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Registration for Victoria's Annual Major Trade Event | Vic House Expo 2024


The 2024 Vic House Expo, hosted by Global Victoria together with Agriculture Victoria, supported by AustCham Shanghai will take place on August 1 and August 2, 2024, at the Vic House. Over 50 Victorian exporters will be present to showcase high-quality, clean, and safe food and fiber products, as well as health products, beauty and personal care items from Victoria. The event will also offer a variety of live cooking experiences and masterclasses, enhancing the overall participant experience.

由于去年的维州集市开放日广受好评,因此今年的2024年维州集市开放日的日程将扩展至两天,并承诺带来品牌展示、互动烹饪演示和针对性的 B2B 商务对接会等深入的体验。

Due to the great success of last year's Vic House Expo, the 2024 Vic House Expo program will be expanded to span two dedicated days, and promises an enhanced experience with brand showcases, engaging cooking demonstrations, and targeted B2B business matching sessions.

维州集市开放日 2024 - 第一天:生活消费品品牌展示 & 维多利亚葡萄酒大师班

Vic House Expo 2024 - Day 1: BWPC Brands Showcase & Victorian Wine Masterclass

  • 日期/Date: 2024年8月1日(星期四)Thursday, 1 August 2024
  • 时间/Time: 上午10:30至下午3:00(北京时间)10:30am to 3:00pm (CST)
  • 地点/Location: 上海市黄浦区外马路510号老码头创意园17号楼 维州集市 Building 17, The Cool Docks, No. 510 Waima Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

生活消费品品牌展示 BWPC Brands Showcase:

  • 10:30am: 签到 Registration
  • 11:00am-12:00pm: 市场见解分享与专家小组讨论 Market insights sharing & panel discussion
  • 12:00pm-3:00pm: 消费品展示 Consumer Goods Exhibition

维多利亚葡萄酒大师班Victorian Wine Masterclass

  • 时间: 晚上6:30至8:30 (内部邀请制)
  • Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm (by invitation only)

维州集市开放日 2024 - 第二天:包装食品/无酒精饮料/乳制品及烘焙/肉类/葡萄酒&烈酒品牌展示

Vic House Expo 2024 - Day 2: Packaged food/non-alcoholic beverage/Dairy & baking/Meat/Wine & spirits Brands Showcase

  • 日期: 2024年8月2日(星期五)
  • Date: Friday, 2 August 2024
  • 时间: 上午9:30至下午5:00(北京时间)
  • Time: 9:30am to 5:00pm (CST)
  • 地点: 上海市黄浦区外马路510号老码头创意园17号楼 维州集市
  • Location: Building 17, The Cool Docks, No. 510 Waima Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

上午场Morning Session:

  • 9:30am: 签到 Registration
  • 10:00am onwards/10点起: 餐饮展示及B2B 对接会 F&B Exhibition and B2B Matchmaking Sessions
  • 10:00am-11:00am: 咖啡展示 Coffee Showcase
  • 11:00am-11:45am: 烹饪示范-乳制品 Cooking Demonstration - Dairy Products

下午场Afternoon Session:

  • 1:00pm: 签到 Registration
  • 1:30pm-2:15pm: 烹饪示范 – 肉类及海鲜 Cooking Demonstration – Meat & Seafood
  • 2:15pm-3:15pm: 咖啡展示 Coffee Showcase
  • 3:15pm-4:00pm: 烹饪示范 - 包装食品 Cooking Demonstration - Packaged Food
  • 4:00pm-5:00pm: B2B 对接会 B2B Matchmaking Sessions
  • 5:00pm: 维州集市闭幕 Expo closes

*实际日程可能会有所变动。The schedule is subject to change.


If you are interested in any Victorian brand, please make sure to secure your seat. Please note that this event is aimed at all Chinese distributors and buyers.


维州集市 (Vic House) 是澳大利亚维多利亚州政府贸易投资局在上海的食品、饮品、农产品等展示中心,一个专门为进口商,经销商和零售商设计的进行BtoB商务会议和贸易推广的一站式场所,同时为维多利亚州的生产商和出口商提供一种创新的方式来与中国买家互动并展示维多利亚州产品,协助优质维州企业与中国企业进行线下对接。



About Vic house

The Victorian Food and Fibre Trade Pavilion (Vic House) is an innovative in-market promotional facility in Shanghai, developed to showcase Victoria's broad agricultural, food and beverage capabilities to the state's largest global export partner, China.

Vic House has almost 200 companies displaying a range of quality Victorian produced products ranging from Food & Beverage to Personal Care, Beauty and Wellbeing sector.

The permanent three-story facility in Shanghai serves as a business-to-business (B2B) platform to showcase Victoria's breadth of premium product to conduct B2B meetings with importers, distributors, and retailers.

Our third-floor commercial kitchen and multifunctional space allows us to present year-round the finest and seasonally available Victorian produce.


Vic House 维州集市
中国上海Building 17, No. 510, Waima Rd, Huangpu District, Shanghai



