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员工健康赋能 - 脊柱健康工作坊

1. 都市生活习惯对身体的影响

2. 消失的生理曲度

3. 如何为身体创造舒适的工作环境

4. 基础肩颈解剖-损伤疼痛机理

5. 简单易做的办公室纠正性训练

6. 如何进行自我肩颈放松并缓解不适

Spine Health Workshop


- The impact of urban lifestyle on the body posture

- Disappearing physiological curvature

- How to create a comfortable working environment for the body

- Basic shoulder and neck anatomy-injury and pain mechanism

- Simple and easy-to-do office correction training

- How to relax your shoulders and neck and relieve discomfort


Kennis Lo

Physical Therapist at Up Clinic


Australia House by AustCham Shanghai
7F, 80 Pingwu Rd, Changning District

Shanghai, China

See route

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