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Are you ready to dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence and take your skills to the next level? AustCham Shanghai is thrilled to announce an exclusive AI training session on September 13th with System in Motion.

AI浪潮已经席卷了我们的社会,您准备好进入人工智能的世界,并将您的相关技能提升到一个新的水平了吗?澳大利亚商会-上海非常高兴地宣布, 我们将于9月13日和System in Motion共同举办人工智能独家培训课程。

Discover how AI can enhance your workflow, streamline processes, and boost productivity. Understanding AI fundamentals can unlock new opportunities and drive innovation in your organization.


AustCham Shanghai, in partnership with System In Motion held Level 1 training in April, with great outcomes and positive feedback. On this basis, we continue to offer this opportunity to advance your AI skills, offering more Level 1 training, with Level 2 to be offered in the future.

今年4月,澳大利亚商会-上海与System in Motion合作举办了一级培训,取得了良好的效果和积极反馈。在此基础上,我们将继续提供培训来提高大家的人工智能技能,提供更多的一级培训,未来还将提供二级培训。

Embark on an engaging 3-hour journey with our comprehensive AI training. Divided into 4 insightful chapters and complemented by 2 hands-on, on-site exercises, this course will take you through the essentials of GPT/GenAI. Explore a blend of theoretical understanding, practical skills, and forward-thinking strategies that will keep you ahead of the curve.

我们的人工智能综合培训将为您带来 3 小时的精彩课程。本课程分为4 个引人入胜的章节,并辅以 2 个现场实践练习,将带您了解 GPT/GenAI 的基本要素。探索理论理解、实践技能和前瞻性战略的融合,让您在人才市场和相关领域保持领先地位。

Chapter 1

Fundamental Principles


· Misconceptions: Avoiding misuse of GenAI products, first step of risks mitigation.

· Basic Principles: Proper usage of GenAI tools, setting the foundation for the later more complex modules.

· Common Scenarios: Learning from actual cases to understand what is considered good use cases

· Prompt Engineering: It's more complicated than you thought –could be one of the keys to your success.

·误解: 避免滥用 GenAI 产品,降低风险的第一步。

·基本原则: 正确使用 GenAI 工具,为后面更复杂的模块奠定基础。

·常见场景: 从实际案例中学习,了解什么是好的用例

·提示工程: 它比你想象的更复杂--可能是你成功的关键之一。

Chapter 2

Level 1 prompt engineering

1 级提示工程

· RCFC model: The power of thoughts, translated into RCFC framework, a powerful tool not widely explored in other courses.

· Positive Examples, Negative Examples: Understanding the reason for failures is the first step to success

· Practice

·RCFC 模型: 将思想的力量转化为 RCFC 框架,一个在其他课程中未被广泛探索的强大工具。

·"正例"、"反例": 了解失败的原因是成功的第一步。


Chapter 3

Level 2 Chain of Thoughts

Level 2 提示词技巧之进阶篇

· COT examples: use Chain Of Thought to guide AI to achieve better results.

· 0/1/n shot prompts: Tuning the model without the need for a large amount of data-set.

· Directional Stimulus Prompt: guide behavior to specific direction, achieving better result at certain aspects

· Practice

·COT 示例: 使用思维链来引导AI来生成更好更适用的结果。

·0/1/少数次射击提示: 无需大量数据集即可调整模型。

·定向引导提示: 定向引导, 在特定领域背景下得到更佳结果。


Chapter 4

Level 5 Integration (preview)

第 5 级集成(预览)

· Introduction to Integration Business Case: What can be achieved in the mindset of improving the efficiency of a workflow to the overall operation efficiency instead of improving the speed of a singular task at hand.

· Risks and Potential of GPT for Enterprise Applications: It requires more strategic thinking and risks

·整合业务案例简介: 提高工作流程的效率,从而提高整体运营效率,而不是提高手头单一任务的速度,这样的思维模式能实现什么目标。

·企业应用 GPT 的风险和潜力: 需要更多的战略思维和风险

Key Takeaways



Special Bonus: Everyone who takes part in the training will get one month of access to the AI platform developed by SiM!

· Empowerment of Knowledge Workers: Enhance skills and improve efficiency with a comprehensive understanding of Generative AI tools.

· Acquiring Future Skills: Stay ahead in the AI landscape with a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

· Demystifying Generative AI: Learn proper usage, risk mitigation, and good use cases to dispel common misconceptions.

· Strategic Integration: Improve overall operational efficiency with strategic thinking and risk regulation, preparing for enterprise applications.

·知识工作者赋能: 全面了解生成式人工智能工具,增强技能,提高效率。

·获取未来技能: 融合理论知识和实践技能,在人工智能领域保持领先地位。


·战略整合: 通过战略思考和风险监管提高整体运营效率,为企业应用做好准备。


Zhijing Chen

Consultant at System in Motion

Timothy Johns

CEO of Innoisland

Chuanlu Lin

Business Analyst at System in Motion


Australia House by AustCham Shanghai
7F, 80 Pingwu Rd, Changning District

Shanghai, China

See route

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